Star Sampler: Sarah’s Choice

Star Sampler: Sarah's Choice
Star Sampler: Sarah’s Choice

This block was an unexpected success! I was very pleased with the way it went together (no ripping or recutting) and also with the serendipitous use of fabric. I am out of that blue, which is too bad, because it is a great blue.

3 down 9 to go.

We are working on on the Oh My Stars quilt-a-long, though it was started awhile ago and everyone else is done!

Star Sampler: Colorado Star

Star Sampler: Colorado Star
Star Sampler: Colorado Star

I made this block after finally finishing the Barbershop Quartet. After the drama of that block, this was a breeze and I got on a roll trying to catch up with the blocks.

I was kind of sad about that as as I wanted to work on the back for the FOTY 2012, but it is fine.

I wish I had used a darker print for the smaller Flying Geese, but that will be the reward to the viewer for coming in closer.

We are working on on the Oh My Stars quilt-a-long, though it was started awhile ago and everyone else is done!

26 Projects – February Update

I took 7 tops to my quilter on January 21, a few days after the last update. I felt a huge sigh of relief taking them to be quilted. I don’t know why, as I explained, but I did and am still savoring the feeling. Still, just because I took quilts to the quilter does not mean they are done. They are out of my hair and I can work on other things until it is time to finish them when they come back.

Finished 2013 Projects:

  1. Corner Store: Finished on 1/1/2013 YAY!
  2. The Garden. Finished on 1/5/2013 YAY!
  3. Stepping Stones: Finished on 2/14/2013 YAY!

I think the next projects on the list will be harder. They are older, in some cases, or VERY unfinished. Let’s see what we can do.

Still WIPs

  1. Aqua-Red SamplerFrances  is working diligently and I finished my curves block. Next up Paper Piecing. Oh yay.
  2. The Tarts Come to Tea: I haven’t worked on this since April 2011, which was before I got my machine fixed. I really do need to get back to the quilting. I was making good progress and then got sidetracked. I thought quilting the Whole Cloth quilt sort of got me back in the swing of quilting, so perhaps there is hope for this piece?
  3. Pointillist Palette #4: Fourth is a series of 6 quilts; needs tiny square patches sewn together. Mrs. K. gave me more PP fabric and I won some from a giveaway. I think it is a sign that I need to work on this. Leaders and enders.
  4. See: needs satin stitching. Small, also a possibility for finishing. I really have the feeling I need to work on this.
  5. Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. I like the piece, but don’t know where to go from where I am. Mouth? Hair? The attitude I need to have is that I can’t ruin it; there is always more fabric.
  6. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much.
  7. Flower Sugar Hexagon: sewed more hexagons together. Sewing Y seams is a bit of a chore, so I get tired of doing it after awhile. I could, perhaps, use leaders and enders to get this piece moving?
  8. Young Man’s t-shirt quilt: have cut up the t-shirts and am still in the process of applying fusible. He cleaned out his drawers and found some more t-shirts to add to the quilt. Oh Yay! <– just a bit of sarcasm. He asked me again for another quilt, so I think this one is next in line. I plugged in his heating mattress pad, though, which should keep him quiet for a bit longer.
  9. New: FOTY 2012: top, finished, though I can’t decide if I need a quilting border. Working on the back.

I still have a few more WIPs than I do finished projects. Again, I have made progress on clearing out old projects and I am pleased.

Ready for Quilting

  1. Original Bullseye: At the quilter
  2. New: Wonky 9 Patch: needs quilting and binding. Not on original list
  3. New:* Super Secret Project #2: At the quilter. Not on original list
  4. New: Super Secret Project: At the quilter.  Stay tuned. ;-) Not on original list
  5. Infinity blocks: blocks sewn together into a quilt top, borders on. Back and binding made; ready to be quilted.
  6. A-B-C (A-Z) BAMQG Challenge –At the quilter. Due April 1.
  7. New: Sparkle Pink – At the quilter.
  8. New: Swoon – At the quilter.
  9. Calm: basted and ready for me to quilt.
  10. Spiderweb: Top is together, binding is made. This is at the quilter.

In the Finishing Process

FOTY 2011:  binding half done; needs sleeve


Nothing so far for 2013

Hunting and Gathering

  • Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. Cutting fabrics as I go. TFQ does not consider this a UFO and made some good points to that end, which is why I have moved it to the Hunting and Gathering section. She says, and I have to agree, that quilts are not ‘projects’ until the sewing starts. OK. I’ll go with that.
  • Windmill quilt: Still hunting and gathering.
  • Stepping Stones #2 using Bonnie & Camille fabrics Bliss, Ruby, Vintage Modern: made two blocks, but still on back burner while I decide on the background colors.

I decided to continue this list into 2013, at least for the time being. It is a useful tool for tracking what is done. I, of course, want to create some kind of disposition for all of the quilts and projects on the list. However, as I mentioned, I wanted to think of a new focus for 2013. I feel that I made progress on the most ancient and difficult projects and I want to honor that. I won’t give up working on the projects on this list, but I also will not allow the list to prevent me from starting new projects.

Last update for the 26 Projects List

*New – Project started after I started working on the 26 Projects list

FOTY 2011 Returns

FOTY 2011 ready for binding
FOTY 2011 ready for binding

I had a nice surprise yesterday: FOTY 2011 returned to me ready for binding! I didn’t know Colleen was working on it, but here it is. It was perfect timing, too, since I just finished the binding on the Stepping Stones on Thursday.

I also didn’t think I like this quilt that much, but the quilt really made the quilt. This photo isn’t that great, but the boys weren’t home to hold it and I wanted a photo RIGHT NOW!!, so I just took this one. Do click on the image to make it larger, so you can see the quilting.

I already started working on the binding and I am sure I will be done with it this week. As mentioned, I have a cold, so there is a lot of laying on the couch happening.

The last time I wrote about this project was almost a year ago: 2/21/2012.

Finished: Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones: Finished
Stepping Stones: Finished

I finished the Stepping Stones on Thursday night. I was able to take a photo in front of the house when I had a spare young man to help hold the quilt.

I like the way this quilt came out and after I show it off at the guild, I will send it off to one of the nephews.

In general, I am pleased with it. I think it does look better close up. Of course, the quilting is fantastic. Looking at from this distance makes me see how the colors could be done differently.

Sandy, of Quilting…for the Rest of Us, in episode 116 and 117 spoke about the differences between the way Bonnie Hunter and Kimberly Einmo explained how to choose fabrics for their mystery quilt projects. It made me thinking about the pattern for this quilt and I think the same principles apply. The authors of the book assume you are going to use the same fabrics they used, though I think they do mention that you can use any fabrics in passing. They don’t say where you need contrast and where you need some parts emphasized. From looking at this picture, I see how I should have extended the points of the diamonds into the border (the border was my own design) and how some of the reds have too much white in them. I think the book would have more shelf life if more attention was given to the fabrics. Kind of a shame, really.

I do want to make the pattern again so I can try to do better. You know I have been working on sample blocks using various Bonnie and Camille lines. The biggest thing I realized is that I need contrast – a lot of contrast – between the background and the foreground.

Star Sampler: Barbershop Quartet

Barbershop Quartet
Barbershop Quartet

This block took me over a week to make. I don’t think it has taken me more than a week to make a block since my first quilt project when I was learning. The first Swoon block, when I was working out the details, may have taken me a week.

I think part of the problem was that I was trying to use the Wing Clipper (some further info about the technique is in the 1/24/2013 blog post) to make the Flying Geese units. That is no problem, except that I didn’t have the finished sizes of the units and had to guess a bit, because I didn’t want to draw out the block to scale and measure. My own fault, definitely. Guessing didn’t work very well for me, so I wasted a lot of fabric and took a lot of time.

I also have a cold and was very tired yesterday, which I am sure didn’t help my thinking very much.

Anyway, the block is done and I like it. I played a bit with the negative space again and think that looks cool. You can see TFQ’s version on Flickr.

This is the second 12″ block I have made for the Star Sampler, which I think really should be called the Sawtooth Star Sampler since we are using all Sawtooth Stars. I think I am now only 10 blocks behind – or maybe 6. I’ll have to see.

The last block I made for this project was Mosaic No.19.

Creative Prompt #195: Capture

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

“The whole world is strewn with snares, traps, gins and pitfalls for the capture of men by women” George Bernard Shaw

screen capture (have you tried the Snipping Tool in Windows 7, BTW? Awesome!)

Capture the Flag

“He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them. Sun Tzu

Definition: 1: an act or instance of capturing: as a : an act of catching, winning, or gaining control by force, stratagem, or guile b : a move in a board game (as chess or checkers) that gains an opponent’s piece c : the absorption by an atom, nucleus, or particle of a subatomic particle that often results in subsequent emission of radiation or in fission d : the act of recording in a permanent file <data capture> 2 : one that has been taken (as a prize ship)

YouTube Capture (app)

“Three times in my life I have been captured: by the orphanage, by school, and by the Army. But I’m mistaken. The fact is I was captured only once, when I was born, only that capture is also setting free, which is what this is actually all about. William Saroyan

forceful holding

common law that determines ownership of captured natural resources including groundwater, oil, gas and game animals (Wikipedia)


capture someone’s attention

capture a moment

Commonly referred to as carbon capture and storage, or geosequestration.

Capture the Phrase

photographs capture a moment

Groundhog Day: ‘This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.” Search Quotes

remove an opponent’s piece from a chess board

“I don’t believe what the papers are saying They’re just out to capture my dime, Exaggerating this, exaggerating that” Paul Simon (songwriter)

a geomorphological phenomenon occurring when a stream or river is diverted from its own bed (Wikipedia)

“It’s beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.” (

North Coast Quilt Shops pt.3


Ocean Waves Quilt Shop
Ocean Waves Quilt Shop

Ocean Waves Quilt Shop was the last shop we visiting. It was much better in the sun, not so dim, though there were little nooks and crannies that were still a bit dim. The woman who worked there was very efficient and very helpful.

All Washed Up Sparkling Cider Pattern
All Washed Up Sparkling Cider Pattern

They had a lot of quilts hanging up. One of the things I saw was a rendition of the All Washed Up Sparkling Cider pattern I used for Sparkle Pink. As I have said, the genius of that pattern is the interesting way it allows large prints to be showcased. This version, however, shows a different way the pattern can be used and has the feel of the fabric in the store.

There was a class going on in the back room. I am not sure what the class was about, but it might have been some type of beginning class. I was pleased to see that there were a relatively large number of people in the shop.

OWQS Fabric & Patterns
OWQS Fabric & Patterns

The tone of the shop was more Hoffman, smallish prints and florals, which is not to say they didn’t have great fabric. I found a dot I liked and a black on white that I might use for a project brewing in my head. The really nice dot I found was purple. The purple color reminds me of violet, but it is darker. I only got a half yard, but that should be enough for whatever it is I decide to make with it and I have selvedge.

Patterns, Samples & Pre-cuts
Patterns, Samples & Pre-cuts

They had a lot of stuff there: fabric, patterns, pre-cuts, Aurifil, samples. There is a bag in the last picture (right photo, bottom center) with a curved flap. It is called the Flip Flap bag and they had just sold the last pattern, so I didn’t buy it, but I liked the shape

Read part 1 and 2 of this travelogue, too!

North Coast Quilt Shops pt.2

Scottie Dog Right Front
Scottie Dog Right Front

I also went to Scottie Dog Quilts again. This shop is a white stucco building (kind of an ugly building actually) on the corner of a street, but they don’t have a sign outside anymore, so we drove right past it and had to go around the block. It worked out, because we parked on the side street and were in the correct position to head east (I think) to Ocean Waves Quilt shop for the next stop.

Scottie Dog Right Middle
Scottie Dog Right Middle

Scottie Dog has freshened up their look since I was there last. One big difference was that the weather was nicer. Last time, the whole area was fogged over and grey. This trip, the sky was a bright blue and it made everything nicer. Still, the freshening wasn’t all on the part of the weather. Scottie Dog has removed a high set of shelves and moved the cutting counter (I think) and that has made the whole space more open. I didn’t notice that they seemed to have less fabric. They crammed a lot into a relatively small shop.

Right towards Street
Right towards Street

S.D. has also embraced modern fabrics in a big way. If you need some Ruby charm packs, they have a few left. They also had one of Moda’s Sophie as well as a bit of the yardage. I bought an old print of Heather Bailey’s called Pop…Flowers?? I don’t remember. Big stylized flowers. I am thinking I will make a bag. I hope to make a bag.

Little Bits Double Wedding Ring
Little Bits Double Wedding Ring

I have to admit that I admire Double Wedding Ring Quilts, but will probably never make. I don’t like the look of some of the quilts made from the rotary cutting templates (curve is not smooth). I had decided to admire them from afar until I saw the Little Bits pattern for a DWR at Scottie Dog. (Nota bene: They don’t have it on their website and were out of stock, otherwise I would link to them). The pieces are small, but I could do some quick piecing and rotary cutting. They also had some bag patterns. I bought a bag pattern called The Potato Chip Bag because you can’t make just one, apparently.

Left Front
Left Front

One good thing about stopping at quilt stores while traveling is that their restrooms are usually clean. I loved their restroom. It was scarlet, pipes and everything, with a border print of the Mary Englebreit scottie dog.

Left Front Corner
Left Front Corner

The shop also had different things to entice the shopper: a few shelves of batiks, pre-cut Tumblers in 2 sizes, lots of pre-cuts, especially charm packs. They also had a lot of patterns with samples hanging around the shop.

Front of Shop
Front of Shop

They didn’t have any Aurifil, but they had a good selection of interesting notions and other types of thread. I bought some more True Grips and a swivel D Ring for a future bag.

Check out part 1 of this travelogue.

North Coast Quilt Shops pt.1

North Coast View
North Coast View

Driving up the coast to the North Coast is a beautiful drive. It was particularly beautiful on Friday, because the Northern California area was washed by a rain storm on Thursday night. The light was gorgeous and the clouds were gorgeous and it made me glad to be driving up the Coast.

Fat Quail Quilt Shop
Fat Quail Quilt Shop

Last time we drove up that way, we saw a quilt shop in Laytonville called Fat Quail Quilts. The shop is on the side of 101N and we weren’t able to stop the first time, because we were already past by the time we knew what was happening. This time I planned ahead. Their website was very clear how to find it and we were able to stop.

It is a nice shop. They have a lot of fabric, patterns, notions. A good variety of

One of the things I like to notice when I am in an area is whether or not the color schemes  are different from what I am used to seeing.

Fat Quail 30s Fabric
Fat Quail 30s Fabric

The overall color scheme reminded me of Fall colors. They had a lot of nice fabrics. I, of course, found a few things that I brought home with me. One was a needle threader. I broke mine last week working on the binding for the Stepping Stones.

The shop looked like a former house. It was broken up into 4 rooms plus a bathroom. The front room and the very back room were quite large, which makes me think there was some remodeling done. The layout worked well and the owner had used the various niches to create different displays.

The shop had a section of 1930s fabrics, that I thought was very appealing. There was a book called Frugal to Fancy about vintage patterns done in modern fabrics and the whole display made me want to buy all of the fabrics and the book.

Card Catalog Fat Quarters
Card Catalog Fat Quarters

Being a librarian, I thought the shop’s storage of fat quarters was GREAT! I loved the use of the card catalog drawers for fat quarters. I thought it was an effective display technique even if it was hard to see the fat quarters. The drawers were labeled and that was great.

I also noticed that the Fat Quail lady had no problem cutting fat quarters. I wanted some reds, but was trying to be frugal, so she happily cut me some fat quarters of the reds. I wanted.


Sandy from Quilting… for the Rest of Us talks about Stonehenge fabric all the time and I saw a display – a large display of it in this shop. I think this is the first time I have seen it, or, perhaps, it is the first time I have seen a display of it. It is very earthy looking and reminded me of picking out counters when we remodeled our kitchen. A little too beige for me, but interesting prints.

Front Room
Front Room

The displays were little vignettes of fabrics, books and patterns. There were great samples of bags and other small accessories. I bought a pattern for a fish hot pad holder. I wanted to support the shop and also thought it would make a good gift for Christmas. I am going to make twelve, but will start with one and see how it goes before I commit. I was also thinking it might be a good way to practice machine quilting.


Well worth a visit!

More Stars Different Stars

English Paper Piecing Stars
English Paper Piecing Stars

I spent the weekend up on the North Coast with my handsome DH. In the car, I like to work on something. The English Paper Piecing project I started in August is perfect and I was able to finish 4 stars. A few of the stars were done during TV watching sessions.

I forgot how much I liked this project.

I organized the half hexagons in the hotel room on Saturday, so they were ready to put together in the car. It worked out great.

Each star takes around an hour to sew together.

Sketching #182

CPP Response #182: Whisper
CPP Response #182: Whisper

A bonus post for the day!

You probably think I have my response all ready to go when I write the Creative Prompt posts.You would be wrong. An image may pop into my mind or it may not.

Whisper was hard and I was a bit scared to try two figures, but I am, mostly, pleased with the way it cam out.

I need to work on the proportions a bit. The arm is weird looking, but you get the idea.

Check out the original prompt and try one of your own!

Sketching #181

CPP Response #181: Sink
CPP Response #181: Sink

One of the things I like to do on New Year’s Day is finish a quilt, craft or fabric project so that it sets the tone for the year. I should add”write thank you notes” to that list! I received so many lovely gifts this year, including a wonderful set of Staedler markers, and I still have “write thank you notes” on my to-do list.

I bring this up because, although I have tried the pens, earlier this week was the first time I had the opportunity to sit down and use them for project.

I love them. You, who got them for me, you know who you are: I love them.

Getting a new set of markers is fabulous. It brings back all sorts of wonderful memories of being a kid. As a 10 or 11 year old, I saved up $10.00 whole dollars to buy a set of 24 Pentel medium tip markers. I remember standing in stunned silence staring at the clerk in the Art Department at May Co when she asked for $11 something because of tax. At 40 cents a week allowance, it took me a few more weeks to save up for the tax. Boy! Did I take good care of those pens!

Thanks to Jet Pens
Thanks to Jet Pens

These new Staedler pens are really great markers.

Even though they are fine point I had no trouble coloring in sections of this response. Tools are important. They have made me excited about creating responses again.

Sketching #180

CPP Response #180: Trapezoid
CPP Response #180: Trapezoid

I had this one done when I posted #179, but somehow never got it posted.

I like the skirt (a lot of that like is the color), the shoes and the hair. Yes, the shoes are a bit skinny and no real woman could walk in them, but I still like them.

Take a look at the original prompt and create one of your own.

Star Sampler: Mosaic No.19

Star Sampler: Mosaic No. 19
Star Sampler: Mosaic No. 19

I am behind.

I have 3 blocks to make (due this past week) and four more to make next week. I made one! The easiest one, too.

It plays a bit with negative space. some of the pieces that should be background are colored as foreground and visa-versa. Interesting.

I said the other day that I didn’t think that fabrics with a lot of white would work, but this dot, even though it has white seems to be working fine.

Interesting Shape
Interesting Shape

Before I sewed the last two seams together, I noticed this shape.It is the middle of the block, but I thought it was really interesting. It makes me wonder what  a quilt using this shape (and perhaps the size, too) would look like.