Sketching #5

Creative Prompt Response: Spring (#5)
Creative Prompt Response: Spring (#5)

This drawing is kind of the culmination of a series of flower doodles that I did in a journal I used in the middle of last year. I got on a flower kick and just couldn’t stop drawing them.

I don’t feel very proficient at some of the technical aspects of the drawings, but it is fun to try and work out the little problems. I am kind of glad I am doing a bit of a series, because I can work out and improve some of the aspects in the later drawings.

I have an idea for a flower/picnic quilt and think that the flowers may be studies for the flowers I will use in that quilt.

I know that all of my sketches are out of order. As a inherently organized person, this is driving me crazy. I can’t, however, with good conscience back date them, so here they are in all their glory.

I think I may be caught up except for Beacon and I have an idea for that one. It is a technique, though and not an image. I really have to check, though to make sure.

Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.