Block-a-Long #15: New Log Cabin

New Log Cabin #15
New Log Cabin #15

This block reminds me of a log cabin. If you look from right to left it has that feel. It is actually from Blockbase rather than one of my own design and is called #4117.

To make this block, please print or look at the rotary cutting guide and start piecing the elements of the block together from right to left.

Make the small unit in the corner (made up of green, periwinkle and the pink dotted fabric), then piece that to the blue patch. Piece the yellow and purple together, then join that unit to the blue/corner unit. The pink is sewn to the those two units and the fuschia finishes it off.

New Log Cabin Quilt
New Log Cabin Quilt

Four of these blocks put together with the corner unit in the center would look really interesting. The example looks like it is spinning.

New Log Cabin #15 Rotary Cutting Guide