Swoon #10

Swoon #10
Swoon #10

I like this one and I was able to do a little adjusting of the colors. I really like the blue print in this piece. Again, it is from the Sophie line by Moda.

I didn’t, however, want to have part of the block drop out because the pink flowers would blend with the dots. What I did was, where possible, I would put the pink flowers in the part of the block that would get cut off. For example, there are many places where I place a square over a corner, sew on the diagonal and then cut off the remaining triangle. I made a big effort to place the flower part of the blue fabric in the location that would be cut off. I think that the effect is of more blue in this block than pink. The larger dots really give these blocks a different look.

Nine Swoon
Nine Swoon

I think the blocks are starting to look like a group. There are some fabrics I need to use a second or third time, but I am getting to the point where I might want to stop making blocks.

FOTY – Mid July

FOTY mid- July
FOTY mid- July

I know the name of this post has mid July in the title and the date of the post is late July. I didn’t have a chance to post it until now.

These are a lot of fabrics that I was able to iron. Also, I finally patches from a few of the QuiltCon solids that I hadn’t cut yet.

Some of the yellows are from the Yellow donation quilt that is in process.

There are a few of the Vintage Modern fabrics I bought recently. I plan to use them for another Stepping Stones (Underground Railroad block) quilt.