Half Hexie EPP

Half Hexie EPP - May 2019
Half Hexie EPP – May 2019

The other day I showed a piece of the Half Hexie EPP I was working on. I have spent some time since then attaching it to the larger piece.

I often think I am in a good place with this piece, then I look at the whole thing and realize I haven’t made the progress I wanted. That was the case when I looked at this whole piece as I was photographing it. It is still too skinny. I need to make it wider.

I have been thinking I would square up the top and bottom then make it wider. Somehow it just keeps getting longer and appears to be skinnier.

New Half Hexie EPP section
New Half Hexie EPP section

Fortunately, I still need some length so the work will not go to waste and I won’t have to rip it out.

As an aside, I saw an exact match to this quilt (except for the fabrics) on a Kansas City Star page. They call it Whirligig. Do I like that name? Maybe.

I am kind of thrilled that the Kansas City Star has a pattern for this quilt. I’ll have to look it up and see what my copy says about the pattern.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

2 thoughts on “Half Hexie EPP”

  1. It looks like a flower explosion or flower confetti! So cheerful. I have a flower garden quilt that I’ve been working on for over ten years. These types of quilts take forever to do but they are so awesome. Enjoy the journey! 🙂

    1. Yes, I have to do that. My friend who made a similar quilt said this is slow quilting. Of course, she hasn’t seen my UFO pile nor does she know how old some of them are! 😉 I am trying to get my head around working on it slowly.

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