Finished: Half Hexie Star Quilt

The Half Hexie Star is finally finished and off to its new home. Someone said that I must really like the people to whom I gave the quilt. I do like them, but as I often say: there is always more fabric. I like the people and the quilt was a lot of work, but … Continue reading “Finished: Half Hexie Star Quilt”

Half Hexie Star Returns

As mentioned yesterday, I got the Half Hexie Star back from Colleen finally. It is just in time to bind it and have it ready to give as a wedding gift. I am also pleased that I was able to show it at the guild meeting yesterday. Colleen did a great job, as usual, quilting … Continue reading “Half Hexie Star Returns”

Half Hexie Star Top Finished

I finished this top last night! I am pretty excited even though I still have a long way to go to finish it. I rushed to get a photo as I went to bed, so it isn’t the best photo. You can see some of the details in the post I published before. I have … Continue reading “Half Hexie Star Top Finished”

Half Hexie Star Plan

I was still recovering from my oral surgery last Friday as I prepared for Sew Day after work. With a full week of work and the aftereffects of the surgery under my belt, I was tired. I thought hard about staying home, but decided to go. I wanted to see my friends and participate in … Continue reading “Half Hexie Star Plan”

Half Hexie Fills in the Gap

Because of the light La Pass month, I have been working quite a bit on the Half Hexie Star. It is not as fun as La Pass, but I do want to get it done. I have put so much work into the piece that abandoning it is not an option. I looked at the … Continue reading “Half Hexie Fills in the Gap”

More Half Hexie Stars

Before I went to Portland last week, I finished a bunch of half hexie stars. I think La Pass is good for the other EPP project. These are pretty cheerful. The purple one in the upper right hand corner is a Tilda print I bought at Calico Creations in Mt Vernon last year. Don’t you … Continue reading “More Half Hexie Stars”

Half Hexie Progress for 2022

As I mentioned, I worked on the Half Hexie Star project while waiting for the next installment of La Pass. These stars are made from the new fabrics I bought on my birthday. I love that dark blue dot even more. I did notice that the papers feel significantly flimsier than the La Pass pieces. … Continue reading “Half Hexie Progress for 2022”

Half Hexies Again

I have been working steadily on the half hexie project while I watch TV after dinner. I am making progress, but it feels slow. I have started to make the piece wider by adding whole rows to the straight side of the piece. I can’t say whether I like this method, but it is controlled … Continue reading “Half Hexies Again”

Half Hexie EPP non-fatal Problem

The other day I showed you the latest results in my EPP piece. As I was taking the picture, I noticed a piece that looks a little odd. Dots. Dots are the problem. That violet with white dots fabric n the middle is weird looking. Something about the dots intersecting with the white is unconventional. … Continue reading “Half Hexie EPP non-fatal Problem”

Half Hexie EPP

The other day I showed a piece of the Half Hexie EPP I was working on. I have spent some time since then attaching it to the larger piece. I often think I am in a good place with this piece, then I look at the whole thing and realize I haven’t made the progress … Continue reading “Half Hexie EPP”

A Few More Half Hexie Stars

In between everything else I have going on, I have been working on the half hexie stars. I need about a million more stars, so I just work on them whenever I don’t have any other handwork pressing. I especially need white background stars so I have been concentrating on those fabrics lately. One problem … Continue reading “A Few More Half Hexie Stars”

Interesting Half Hexie Progress

I’d love to say this piece was in the finishing process, but it is so far from the finishing process that lying wouldn’t even cover what I was doing. I am, however, working on this piece. It is slow going, which is fine when I don’t have other handwork that I must do. Recently, I … Continue reading “Interesting Half Hexie Progress”