It was cold here*. I wore extra clothes and two jackets when I went on my walk. Nights were hell, because even though I sleep in flannel pajamas, I was cold at night. I have a lot quilts laying around, so I threw Scrapitude on the bed on top of Thoughts on Dots, the Sampler … Continue reading “Sleeping with Scrapitude”
Materials 100% cotton fabric 100% cotton thread Techniques Machine pieced Longarm quilted Details: Year: 2013-2014 Size: ?”x?” Fabric: various Quilted By: Colleen Granger Details This was the first mystery quilt I ever pieced.
I finished Scrapitude. Yay! The most I had to do was the binding after Colleen quilted it. The fabric I used for the binding is okay and it was a lot easier to needle than the fabric around the edge of FOTY 2012. We had some trouble photographing it as the thing is a BEAST … Continue reading “Finished: Scrapitude”
Recently Daisy asked for some of us Twilters to donate some pastel/springy Scrapitude blocks. It was intended for one of our Twilter/podcast pals who is going through a tough time. As you know, my fabric selection tends to brighter fabrics so I had to dig deep to find springy pastel fabrics. I succeeded and came … Continue reading “Pastel Scrapitude”
I was determined to make the Scrapitude back this past weekend. In order to do that I had to finish the label. I had some time on Friday night and used it to make the label and order some rotary blades. Rotary blades, you ask? What do they have to do with making a back? … Continue reading “Scrapitude Back”
Last week, I posted about finishing the Scrapitude top. I also talked about the Adventures in Arting podcast in a recent Various & Sundry post. I was listening to it while I was piecing and the discussion they had made me think that I needed to document a problem I came across. I had problems … Continue reading “Scrapitude Issues”
I spent almost three solid days piecing the rest of this Scrapitude top. I say “almost solid” because I went and got a pedicure and ate breakfast, went to Pilates and picked up the Young Man on Friday. On Saturday I worked on the taxes, did the laundry and cleaned the kitchen. Yesterday, I got … Continue reading “Scrapitude Top Finished”
After finally settling down over the weekend, I decided to start piecing Scrapitude into a top. The top is not yet completely pieced, but I did get a rhythm going and I did make progress. I might be able to finish it this weekend, which would go a long way towards alleviating some of the … Continue reading “Scrapitude Confetti”
I expect the next clue to be iminent, so I checked, after piecing the blocks together, that I had all the piecing done for all the Scrapitude parts. Ooops! I forgot to finish some of the triangles. There were two kinds of triangles detailed in Scrapitude Clue #4 Part 2. I had finished all of … Continue reading “Scrapitude Triangles”
I didn’t expect to spend the better part of last Saturday finishing up Scrapitude blocks, but it seemed like the right thing to do when I realized the next clue would be coming out soon. I don’t want to get too far behind and have more travel coming up. It was also pretty easy to … Continue reading “Nearing the End of Scrapitude”
I went to Memphis for work last week and really missed sewing. I arrived home on Saturday around 8. No sewing that night, but Sunday, I got to it. Sandy posted the next clue on Scrapitude sometime last week and people were already finishing up their blocks – yes, that clue included the blocks layout … Continue reading “Scrapitude Continues Again”
I finally finished the square blocks for Scrapitude. The above photo shows a sample if the two kinds of blocks required for the project. I still have some pressing to do to completely finish this part. I worked on them on and off using Bonnie Hunter’s leaders and enders method while I worked on other … Continue reading “A Little More Scrapitude”
I have been working on piecing the squares together. This is a sample of the squares I have made. I don’t think that I have made squares that are as bright and cheerful as some of my previous pieces have been. We’ll see when I combine these with other pieces and parts. Scrapitude Posts Sandy’s … Continue reading “Scrapitude Squares”
I spent the weekend trying to get back into my sewing habit in between the Christmas Concert that is the Y.M.’s midterm exam, buying and decorating a Christmas plus the house and the general chores such as laundry, cooking. For us it is pretty cold (house has been 52 degrees F/11 degrees C and a … Continue reading “Scrapitude Complex Triangles”
I didn’t sew on Scrapitude during the Black Friday sew-in, but I did cut. As you know, my original plan was to cut as needed. I wanted to see what would look good. Really, I wanted to exert some control over the process. It was hard to move through the clues without having cut in … Continue reading “Scrapitude – Endlessly Some Progress”